Our thriller conforms with the conventions of real media products in the way that we have included both psychological and horror elements; most thriller films generally have a sense of danger or foreboding introduced in the first scene and we decided to show the audience an insight into the background story of the film and also what the film will be about. Our thriller film also includes different images that flash together to represent whether the character is insane or not; this conforms with real media films as they often introduce to the audience fairly quickly what the problem is going to be i order to start the drama and suspense as quickly as possible.
In order to be able to answer this question further we will have to analyze our film after we have filmed to whole thing and then compare it to other thriller films.
Question two: How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our media product generally represents the social group of families because it is based around a girl going crazy over the murder that has obviously been her brothers.
Question three: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
To answer this question we would have to research different distribution companies and what films they distribute and then analyze what company distributes films most like ours.
Question four: Who would the audience for your media product be?
I think that our film would generally appeal to a vast target audience as a result of it's genre. If i were to target a particular audience for our film I would probably choose a teenaged audience because of the characters in the film being young.
Question five: How did you attract/address your audience?
I think that we attracted the audience by using young characters as this would make a young audience watch it and there for make them also feel more involved in the film as the characters would be more alike to themselves. I also think that our subject matter will attract our audience because it is intriguing.
Question six: What have you learnt about technologies for the process of constructing this product?
To answer this question our film would have had to be finished as we do not yet know what we would have to use.
Question seven: Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product.
To answer this question our film will have to be finished because we will have to analyze how we have improved since our film.
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