The BBFC guidelines state that the certificate 12 are used only for games, DVDs and videos whereas 12A is used for films. there is also no lower age limit for 12As, parents are allowed to take and accompany children under 12 however parents are warned that 12As may contain material that could upset children of a younger age and furthermore parents may deem some material within 12As as unsuitable for children.
The use of strong language is allowed within a 12/12A however only in moderation, it must not be frequent otherwise the classification will be more likely to be risen to a 15. Aggressive use of strong language is also not endorsed by the 12/12A guidelines. discriminatory language such as homophobic and racist terms is also not permitted in a 12/12A
Scenes of a sexual nature are allowed within a 12/12A however they must be brief and discreet. Sexual references are also allowed although they should not go beyond what is seemed unsuitable for children aged 12.
Violence within the 12/12A however again the BBFC guidelines state that there can be scenes with blood and injury however these must not be prolonged. Sexual violence is also permitted within reason and the BBFC states that 'it must relate heavily to the context'.
The use of drugs within a 12/12A is allowed however the film should not over emphasis this otherwise the film would fall into the 15 category. Drugs should not be highlighted to much within the film and the BBFC states that 'drugs should not be glamorised'
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