The clip opens with a shot of the Morgan freeman in his house. This opening clip is a very bright shot of his clean, tidy and decorated house, showing him dressing up in detective clothing, with penknife etc. showing the audience his career immediately. There is the a very contrasting scene- the scene where the crime is located. The house the crime took place is in immediately all smokey, undecorated and has a dull, green lighting, instantly suggesting to the audience that this location is not as nice as the detectives house. its a typical urban City. The detective then leaves the house an walks into the city- giving the audience an idea of the location- which we see through the heavy down pouring rain is a very low class, untidy city. Then the credits roll, and this is done in an effective way. we see evidence fo
In the opening of the clip there is diegtic sound. The non diegetic sound are cars that are stuck in busy city traffic, there is also the sound of a police siren which indictes that the setting is a busy urban rough city. The sirens and the cars horns sounding indicates to the audience that it is also a rough city with plenty of crime, this also hints that morgan freeman is a detective/police man and this city has required his service for some years now. After this we see the opening credits, and again non diegetic sounds come with this. this sound is a very abnormal sound and it is also very alienating and robtic, the beat also starts of slow but then eventually quickens up. It is very overpowering which also ads the sense of struggle in the city but also a struggle for Morgan freeman who is working hard to fight crime. After the opening credits we see morgan freeman in bed trying to settle down however he uts a metranome on while trying to get to sleep, this indicates to the viewer he finds it hard to switch off probably because of his job. the metranome also shows he needs a pattern in his life and he is a control frea
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