Sunday, 10 January 2010

The differance between 'Horror' and 'Thriller'

All films are catagorised by their genre- Comedy, Romance, Horror, Chick Flick; however, we have to film the opening sequence to a thriller. There is commonly a lot of confusion between Horror and Thriller films, however there is a distinct differance.

A Horror movie is normally catagorised due to its attempt to make the viewer experince feeling of fear, terror, digust or horror. They will also commonly follow a storyline of an evil force or event with inclusion of supernatural forces or beings. These possibly being zombies, vampires, warewolves, the possesed, the evil/insane, black magic, twisted science or canibals. Also, horror movies more commonly follow a single, and evil character, showing graphic detail of damage cause- causing the audience to feel horrified.

AThriller movie however is categorised by including more fast paced action scenes, commonly set in foreign cities, desserts, polar reigons or high seas, and is usually following the side abiding by the law. There is as overlap between the genres of Thriller and Mystery, as the hero tries to steer the villain away from steeping outside the boundries of the law, whilst mysteries are about discovering who is behind the crime. Thrillers are not categorised by their subject/ storyline, but the approach taken towards it. An example would commonly include spies or an espionage infiltrating the villains, however, not all spy films are thrillers.

Examples of Thrillers include:
-The Godfather
-The Dark Night
-The Silence of the Lambs
-The Matrix

These are all films in which the storyline follows the good characters, wether being 'heroes' or just abiders of the law.

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